What people are saying about Curio Tarot School, my signature tarot course …

Kait and her courses are truly magical! About a year ago after a series of “tower moments” I had found myself in a deep rut. I eventually got serious about letting go of what wasn’t working for me and getting more spiritually aligned, and part of that was taking advantage of some Curio Tarot School offerings.

I can say with 100% certainty that Kait helped me release myself from a whole bunch of nonsense and break through to that next level! She really gives you the tools to understand themes that might be playing out for you and get real with yourself while doing it all with a really supportive and positive vibe. Once I tuned up, the synchronicities started rolling in and the path forward became pretty clear.

These courses work if you work them and I cannot recommend it highly enough!!!
— Meg
First of all Kait is awesome! As a Tarot reader but also just as the most genuine soul. She brings this to everything she does and Curio Tarot School is no exception. This is truly a deep dive into Tarot and also an exploration of yourself and developing your own personal relationship with Tarot. Kait is the Queen of journal prompts so just as an extra aside, the reflections and insights her journal prompts cultivate throughout this course will truly blow your mind! And her future self visualization is one of the best I’ve experienced! If your planning on learning Tarot or mastering your practice you have come to the right place! Thanks Kait!
— Chanelle Lobo
Kait’s Curio Tarot School was a fools journey in itself. The breakdown she creates for each module leaves the seemingly overwhelming and ever reaching world of tarot feeling accessible, and is an incredible tool for anyone developing their relationship with the tarot whether the intention is personal or professional. The structure is comprehensive and structured while simultaneously drawing on intuition and each individuals own style and flair. The energy that Kait brings to each bi-weekly meeting always left me feeling so inspired to continue exploring the endless realms of the tarot and my own relationship with it. I am so grateful that I will now always be able to look back on the modules to find greater depth and inspiration, and I am certain I will find even more meaning and lessons as I continue to look back on the amazing content she provided through the Curio Tarot School container.
— Leah Fassett
I absolutely loved this program! The guided lessons were very comprehensive while still being approachable for anyone. The descriptions of cards and how to interpret them were great and I appreciated the added learning materials like guided meditations and video content. I liked being able to learn at my own pace because finishing a module weekly was not really possible for me because my life got a bit and I also wasn’t able to attend the biweekly zoom calls. You are so approachable and kind and tarot is now a part of my daily practice. Thank you so much.
— Candis Green
Kait’s Tarot Course is perfect for a brand new beginner or veteran looking to freshen up. The homework allows for creative space so that you can really attach meanings and feelings to each card. The social media group is great for connecting with others. The course overall is an open-minded, open-hearted safe space to learn and try something new.
— Annie Violette
I really enjoyed being part of Kait’s tarot course. I’ve dabbled in tarot over the years but had never sat down and got to know each card, so having the structure of journal prompts to guide us through that process was valuable. Being able to relate the cards to your own life is way more meaningful than drawing a card and running to Google it! It was also really helpful to watch video lessons describing each of the cards and the stories that went with them, which Kait explained in an approachable and easy to understand way. I’m glad I took this step on my tarot learning journey!
— Dara Skolnick
I took Kait’s first round of Curio Tarot School and found it so valuable. She teaches with such kindness and compassion and meets you wherever you are, whether this is your first time experimenting with tarot or if you’ve been working with it for a long while. My favorite part was the journal prompts, really encouraging us to explore our own relationship to the tarot and inviting us to tap into our own intuition around the cards. I’d recommend her class to anyone wanting to dive deeper into this healing art!
— Maggie Haaland
I loved Kait’s online Tarot course. It was easy to follow along and Kait is a wealth of knowledge. I especially loved the worksheets that went along with it and I’m still referring to them weeks later. I highly recommend Kait and this Tarot course!
— Cory Lee
Kait is an excellent teacher and all the materials — videos and worksheets — are clear and easy to use. Kait was always available to answer questions, which was very helpful. Discussion with fellow students was fun too.
— Richard Snyder