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Below are all my current astrology reading options. Readings are delivered as a written PDF + the option to add a recorded video delivered by email, or via live Zoom call on request. If you’d like to request a Zoom reading, and I’ll reach back out within 12 hours to arrange a date / time for a 45-minute call. Otherwise, you will be asked to select a date / time when you check-out, but please note there is no live appointment for readings - your reading package will be delivered within 12 hours of the date you select.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer, in the birth chart. Where we find Chiron in our chart is where we find our deepest traumas and wounds that can show up time and time again. This reading will illuminate the opportunity gifted to you by your natal Chiron, and help you understand how to transform your deepest wound into your most revered scar, a symbol of the blessings you’ve earned. If you’re ready to open the door to healing and happiness in this lifetime, this reading will connect you to your own wealth of guidance and inner direction.


  • The opportunity of your natal Chiron placement (sign, house + aspects, and key dates) 

  • Insight from your natal Chiron sabian symbol 

  • The invitation of transit Chiron in 2024 / 2025

  • How to put Chiron’s wisdom into action in your life now

  • What might the highest expression of Chiron look / feel like, in your life?


A 3 - 4 page PDF file deep-dive into your chart + a 15 - 20 minute video breakdown of your chart.


  • You are on a healing journey and feel you would benefit from understanding what guidance your birth chart offers around your journey to healing, wellbeing and self-love.

  • You are a healer, mystic or creator and you’d like to get clear on your unique strengths and talents, and how you can best serve others in your lifetime.

  • You’re going through your Chiron return or are feeling the impact of Chiron in Aries, and you’re ready for some tools to navigate this year’s Chiron transits.

Have a burning question that only astrology might be able to answer? Share with me what you'd like to know, along with your birth information, and I'll send you a 10 - 15 minute voice note sharing my answer, along with actionable guidance for your next steps.

For best results, ask a question that begins with how or what. Life if not black and white! Let me help you expand your perspective and see your choices with more clarity and honesty. The more specfic your question, the more specific I can be with your answer.


  • Where should I focus my energy this month for the most impact in my business / self-care / creative life, etc.?

  • What is the best time to share or launch ____ and what should I be mindful of as I go about it?

  • How can I maximize ____ in this season of my life?

  • What steps can I take to heal from ____?

  • What should I know about this new job I'm heading into?

  • Where is there room for growth in X relationship, right now?

  • What are my biggest opportunities in X area of my life, right now?


A 5 - 10 minute voice note sharing custom astrology intel along with actionable guidance for your next steps.


The birth chart is our unique blueprint of our personality, and map of the direction of our life. If you’re ready to gain deeper insight into who you are on a soul-level, and what it is you came here to do / how, this full birth chart reading can serve as a foundational overview. You’ll discover more about your unique strengths, emotional needs, desires, and opportunities for growth in this lifetime, and the key invitations of this current season of your life. All readings are custom and entirely tailored to your needs / questions.


  • Your ‘big 3’ - sun / moon / rising placements

  • An overview of your personal planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars)

  • An overview of your lunar nodes of destiny and their placements

  • Any key transits currently playing out for you at present + guidance


    A 3 - 4 page PDF file deep-dive into your chart + a 15 - 20 minute video breakdown of your chart.

    GET IT IF:

  • You’re aware of a few key components of your birth chart but feel you could benefit from a more holistic look at your chart / how it all fits together.

  • You’re interested to gain a deeper connection to your self / your purpose in this lifetime.

  • You’re interested in learning more about astrology and want to start going deeper by getting a birth chart reading of your own

Every 29.5 years, Saturn ‘returns’ to the point it was when we were born, moving us into a 1-3 year period known as the Saturn return. During this time the lessons of Saturn - the planet of maturity, responsibility and longevity, come to the fore. This transit helps us ‘graduate’ into our next chapter of adulthood, urging us to consider what we want for the long term, and put in the work to set ourselves up for success. This reading serves as a guiding light through your Saturn return, offering key themes, dates of note, and custom guidance to help you make this cosmic rite of passage count.


  • Major themes of your Saturn return, including key dates to take note of over the next 1-3 years

  • The condition of your natal Saturn / your adulting ‘lessons’ in this lifetime

  • Any other significant transits to note in the coming 1-3 years


    A 3 - 4 page PDF file deep-dive into your chart + a 15 minute video breakdown of your chart.

    GET IT IF:

  • You’re ready to move into your Saturn return with eyes wide open, and make the most of this cosmic rite of passage

  • You’re just completing your Saturn return and could use some guidance as you reflect on the last 1-3 year chapter in your life

Let me help you plan your year-ahead. The 12-month transit report will offer you a breakdown of the key transits that will be affecting you personally over the coming year, how they can play out in your life and how you can take steps to best work with them. The cosmic weather is always changing, and this reading option can help you enter into the coming months feeling prepared.


  • The key transits that will be affecting you personally over the upcoming 12 months, and what you can expect, when


    A 2 -3 page PDF file deep-dive into your chart + a 15 minute video breakdown of your chart.

    GET IT IF:

  • You’re looking into the future and wondering what the stars have in store, and you’d like a personalized horoscope interpretation created just for you.

  • You’re anticipating changes or making big plans for the coming year, and want to know how you can align with the universe.

Your solar return is your annual chance to choose again, 'who you’ll be' in the coming year. This solar return package is designed to help you clarify your intentions for your new year ahead by offering insights from both the stars and the cards. You’ll discover the themes and opportunities of the next 12 months, and understand how you can best work with the energies supporting you.

Want to get this reading as a gift for someone? Just let me know.


  • A transit report highlighting the key transits that will be affecting you personally over the upcoming 12 months + what you can expect, when

  • A full tarot reading to offer further guidance (any tarot reading of your choice - please choose one and mention it at check-out)


    A 3 - 4 page PDF file deep-dive into your chart and spread + a 15-20 minute video breakdown of both.

    GET IT IF:

  • You want to give yourself the gift of clarity to mark your solar return! This combination of tarot and astrology guidance feels like the perfect support for choosing your focus for the next year.

Ready for the full astrology and tarot experience? This full astro + tarot package offers in-depth guidance to ensure that you feel well-equipped to work with the energies of the next 12 months. Included is a 12-month transit report and full tarot reading, complete with a breakdown of the key transits affecting you in the coming year, how they may play out, and guidance based on your birth chart, as well as chanelled nsights from the tarot to further illuminate the opportunities ahead.


  • A transit report highlighting the key transits that will be affecting you personally over the upcoming 12 months + what you can expect, when

  • A full tarot reading to offer further guidance (any tarot reading of your choice - please choose one and mention it at check-out)


    A 3 - 4 page PDF file deep-dive into your chart and spread + a 15-20 minute video breakdown of both.

    GET IT IF:

  • You're ready to face your future head-on, and take charge of your life in the ways you can, now! This combination of tarot and astrology guidance feels like the support you need to kick-start your next chapter.

  • You've been feeling stuck in a rut, and / or uncertain about what's next, and it's time to change that. You suspect that an external perspective along with a little magick could help to reinvigorate your zest for life